Dashing Through The Snow Book Tag

I would like to thank Melanie Noell Bernard for tagging me for this lovely tag!.. At the start of January this year. That’s right I’ve saved this up all year, so that I can start December with a nice festive tag! πŸ™‚

Name a book you would like to see under your Christmas tree?

This is difficult since my goal in life is to read all of the books. That’s right, all of them. But something that I would especially like this Christmas would be The Illustrated Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. That would make me extremely happy. 😊


A book you’ll be reading during the Christmas season?

I always seem to read vampire novels around Christmas time. I know that sounds completely crazy, but they now remind me of Christmas. So either a vampire novel or Harry Potter would be my top choices. Its been at least two years since I last read Harry Potter, its been far too long.


Favourite Christmas movie?

Honestly, I cannot stand Christmas movies. Gosh, I sound like such a scrooge, well maybe I am when it comes to movies. I just don’t like them. Sorry. 😝

But one that I don’t mind would be A Christmas Carol, the one from 2009 with Jim Carrey.


Do you like snow?

I don’t know. Haha, I live in Australia in Queensland, where it has never in history snowed. And even if it did it would not be a Christmas time, because Christmas is Summer for us. 😞

I’d like to think I would like snow. I mean, I love Winter. It’s definitely my favourite season and I love scarfs and beanies muchly. It just seems so romantic and I hope that in the future I will get to experience a white Christmas.


Name a character you would like to spend Christmas with?

I would love to spend Christmas with my beautiful book boyfriend Percy Jackson, because his name can be alliterated with perfect. He is amazing and sassy and he would just be so much fun to spend time with.


(I can’t draw, so have someone else’s fan art!)

To give or to receive?

I love giving. I legitimately prefer giving to receiving. Its so much more fulfilling, especially when you know you’ve got them something that they will love or appreciate. And wrapping presents is so much fun.


What fictional place would you like to spend Christmas at?

Hogwarts. Without a doubt. I know this is probably a bit of a common answer, but that do some pretty great feasts there and it would just be so much more personal and magical. *sigh*


Fondest Christmas memory?

Hmm, that’s tricky. Mostly I can just think of the food. Food and Christmas go hand in hand.


Can you say ‘Christmas Tree’ ten times fast in a row (while pronouncing them correctly)?

I kind of can… Could do with some practice though. 🌲

Nominees: (as always, if you’ve already done this tag or don’t want to/don’t have time feel free to ignore!)


Merry Christmas All! I’m so glad I could finally do this tag!!

Lotsa love,

Ellie ❀

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