One Lovely Blog Award

Hi all,

I was recently nominated for my very first blog award! Actually it wasn’t very recent, it was about two weeks ago, but I haven’t had a chance to do it until now. I was nominated for The One Lovely Blog Award and I would like to thank Anthea from YA Book Space and Sumaya from sue’s reading corner, for the nomination. ☺❤ It means a lot to me. *big smiles*

The Rules!
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. List rules and display award.
3. Give seven facts.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and notify them.
5. Display award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you!



  1. I love books. I love reading them and reviewing them and I wish I could make money out of it. That would be pretty cool. 💵
  2. I am always genuinely surprised when people like and follow my blog, because I can’t believe people actually care what I have to say. That sounds really depressing, but I’m really just appreciating you. 💕
  3. I always feel really bad if I can’t read every single post from all of the blogs I follow, but I can never seem to find the time to do it. So I just feel bad 70% of the time. 😥
  4. I m 16 but feel like I’m a lot older and wiser than people my age. I sound really up myself, but I just cannot deal with teenage drama. Hence, I have like three real friends. 😂
  5. I’d rather be in bed reading than doing almost anything, at pretty much any given time or day.📓
  6. I really love exercising. If I feel sad I workout. If I feel happy I workout. You get the idea. 🏃
  7. I sometimes feel like I was born in the wrong time. I strongly dislike social media, selfies and most pop music etc. I feel like I would have fit in better in like the 50’s or something. 😒


  1. Reads and Treats
  2. When Curiosity Killed The Cat
  3. Bookworm Inkorporated
  4. Head In The Clouds, Heart In The Books
  5. susannevalenti
  6. Taking On a World of Words
  7. I Read Books.
  8. Vivian Copeland’s Best Books Of All Time
  9. The Book Bard
  10. Playdates and Presentations
  11. booksandopinions
  12. Claire Writes Things
  13. The Wanderer
  14. zentaurius
  15. The Dragon Writer


BelleInfini ❤

5 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Caitlin says:

    Thanks for the nomination! I’m putting together a group of people to nominate and I’ll get on it 🙂 I think most of us hate the teenage drama but you’ll totally get through it and I’d vote your early twenties are way more fun.

    Liked by 1 person

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